Taxi driver safeguarding Awareness training - Your safety. Drivers: Risks and Safety Tips
Tuesday 23rd July 2024
By Hannah Southwell , UK Marketing Manager SoloProtect, 16 Aug 2023
We explore the risks to UK taxi, private hire and minicab drivers including the alarming number of attacks each year, and outline 10 important safety tips. The life of a taxi,…
Today is World Mental Health Day - What is the truth?
Monday 10th October 2022
For many many years I believed that people with mental health conditions or issues were caused by chemical imbalances in the brain or some sort of genetic link and they…
Disclosure or Exposure?
Friday 23rd September 2022
Child A: Sometimes professionals expect you just lay it on a plate for them Child B: They listen but they don't hear Child C: I told them I didn't want help but…